A long history of investment in research and development by the wool and sheepmeat industries means much of the information, technologies and tools already exist to allow sheep and wool producers to significantly increase their productivity, profitability and sustainability.
Making More From Sheep (MMFS) is a best-practice package of management information and tools for Australian sheep producers, developed by Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) and Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA).
This high-level Making More From Sheep course complements the full package of resources and provides a flexible and easily digestible online learning format for a cross-section of stakeholders in the sheep and wool industries who are looking for a foundational overview of the best-practice principles that sit behind a sustainable and profitable sheep and wool operation.
By the end of this course you should be able to:
- develop rigorous business objectives and plans and compare business performance against industry benchmarks
- outline the factors that impact demand and supply for wool, respond to markets signals and deliver wool that consistently meets market expectations and specifications and select the most profitable selling method
- outline the factors that impact demand and supply for sheepmeat respond to markets signals and deliver meat that consistently meets market expectations and specifications and select the most profitable selling method
- create an inclusive and safe working environment that supports and builds the confidence, knowledge and skills of all team members
- create a vision and plan for a grazing enterprise that builds on its natural capital, implement the plan and measure manage and monitor progress against the plan
- manage soils according to their capability, maintain sufficient groundcover to protect soil from damage and identify and address soil constraints
- build and maintain soil fertility, establish new pastures and graze to keep the desirable species productive and dominant
- determine feed supply and animal demand throughout the year and manage the operation to match feed supply with animal demand
- identify the key production traits that drive profitability and identify genetic opportunities to improve key production traits
- manage ewes for joining, ensure most ewes get in lamb and produce health and productive lambs from birth through to weaning and manage weaners for lifetime productivity
- maintain sheep in an appropriate body condition, implement a preventative health management and biosecurity plan, manage sporadic disease outbreaks and meet animal wellbeing requirements
- establish a vision and management approach to create and efficient pastoral production system that matches feed supply with animal demand, while managing pest animal species.
- Plan for Success
- Market Focused Wool Production
- Market Focused Lamb and Sheepmeat Production
- Capable and Confident People
- Protecting a Farm's Natural Assets
- Healthy Soils
- Grow More Pasture
- Turn Pasture into Product
- Boost Business with Breeding
- Wean More Lambs
- Healthy and Contented Sheep
- Efficient Pastoral Production

모듈: 12

The planning process on most grazing properties is usually informal, but creating a plan that can be shared increases the chances of business success. This first module provides an overview of the keys to successful planning in a sheep and wool business.

Genetics, nutrition and management all impact a producer’s ability to meet market specifications. This module is designed to help sheep producers deliver quality assured lamb and sheepmeat to target market specifications.

This module focuses on the people who are important to a business, whether they are family members, owners or employees, advisors or contractors. It offers practical ways to boost capacity, capability and confidence through more effective communication, long-term planning and leadership.

This module builds on the principle of multiple benefits and that long-term profitability and sustainability go hand-in-hand. Implementing the procedures in this module helps build the capital value and profitability of a sheep enterprise and keeps a farm’s natural assets functioning effectively now and into the future.

This module contains three procedures designed to help sheep producers grow more and better quality pastures. Getting these procedures right will allow them to make best use of their farm’s physical resources such as rainfall, sunlight and soil type.

Genetics sets the potential for critical traits that drive profitability in sheep enterprises. Flock genetics also determines the markets for wool and/or meat that might be targeted.This module is designed to assist a commercial flock owner to capture the benefits that improved genetics offers the business.

Module 11 Healthy and Contented Sheep outlines the importance of managing the health and welfare of the flock and outlines how to manage sheep parasites and diseases in a cost-effective manner to maximise enterprise profitability.

Module 12 Efficient Pastoral Production is designed to help pastoral sheep producers increase the productivity and profitability of their enterprise. This pastoral-specific module has been developed within the context of Australia’s pastoral zones, taking into consideration issues and management perspectives pertinent to these areas.